Sunday, 21 April 2013

Media Language - A Semiotic Ananlysis


SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS = relating to signs and symbols
In our video we primarily used close ups of our artist to create a sense of star image and focus on her facial expression to clarify her emotions within the narrative as well as putting emphasis on her beauty and youth. The mid-shots we included were to show off her outfits and allow the audience to witness the relative proximity and positions of the two main characters.The angles that we used varied according to the connotations we wished to imply, for example in some of the scenes where I main character was unhappy and feeling vulnerable, a slightly high angle provided a sense of her feeling inferior and small. However we primarily included the use of mid angles that put the audience on a level with the characters and made them feel equal and relatable.

Some of the editing techniques we used include, the use of slow motion to apply emphasis to certain scenes, such as when I character trows the teddy bear, the slow mo. adds emphasis to the extreme point of frustration our character was reaching and that it connoted a pinnacle of distress. We also added filters to some of our scenes to soften the edges and provide a sense of reminiscing and that it was an idillic scenario from the past. The use of editing allowed us to communicate ideas through a physical media of implied meaning and allowed the audience to form their own interpretations on certain details within the narrative.

The lighting for all of our scenes provided a welcoming warm glow and pleasant atmosphere. The purpose of this lighting was to create an aspiratinal homely environment that was appealing and flattering on our stars. Within the bedroom seen we even included candles and lamps that added to the positive glow, so that even in the negative parts of our narrative there was a sense of hope.

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